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Child Psychiatrist /Adult Psychiatrist

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  • Mental Health in America - Country in Crisis?

    Mental Health in America - is this country in a crisis? The research is staggering as 90% American adults think that there is a mental health crisis in this country, particularly about young children and teenagers, as suicide rates continue to escalate. It is an ongoing trend that the age of onset of mental continues to rise as young children/teenagers have increasingly reports symptoms of anxiety and depression. On factor that influence this lack of intervention in cost of health care particularly among the vulnerable population, with limited resources and access to care. 80% of adult americans say that the cost of mental health care is a big problem in the US, compared to other countries such as Europe (which has the NHS - which tends to have its own limitations as it sometimes tends to take 2-3 months to see a medical doctor, let alone a child or adult psychiatrist. Approximately 51% of adults report that a family member has experienced a severe mental health crisis. Often limited to Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics, Community Mental Health Centers, it can take months to get an appointments. Covid-19 had a strong impact on mental health in the US due to isolation and limited access to care. 47% of parents say that Covid-19 pandenmic has had a negative impact on their children's mental health. If you are in the crisis, please contact 988 (suicide/crisis hotline). Active suicidal thoughts, thoughts of self/harm, fearful for your safety? I have provided a extensive list of resources for State of Missouri: Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics, Community Mental Health Centers

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