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Child Psychiatrist /Adult Psychiatrist

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Welcome to One Life Psychiatry

telepsychiatry child
mental health

One Life Psychiatry is a holistic approach mental health, through the use of medication, therapy, and alternative remedies.  In the field of child and adult psychiatry, I believe is it vital to genuinely care, educate and empower patients that are struggling with mental illness.  I believe that the collaborative approach helps to increase treatment compliance, improves open communication, validates the patient's wishes.  Also, it helps to reduce barriers for treatment based on mental health stigma.  Fundamentally, each patient wants to feel connected and understood by their psychiatrists.

Child and adolescent psychiatry has changed over the years, as patients have limited time with their psychiatrists.  Each patient is quickly diagnosed without an evidence based approach and given medicines abruptly.  To me, this does not get to the root of each underlying mental health condition, but rather are band aids that often have many side effects. I believe that providing your patients with medical education is key! I do prescribe medications, but I analyze the cost and benefit often.  Psychiatric disorders need to often be addressed with therapy, as medication can only alter chemicals in your brain.  But, I believe that therapy helps alter your patterns of thinking and gives you a birds-eye perspective of your life, which can be especially helpful during family therapy.


Years of

Child Psychiatry Adult Psychiatry

Concerned about your safety? Need immediate help, as your symptoms worse? Please call 988, or 911, or go to your nearest emergency room. 


Adult Psychiatry with strong emphasis of addiction and psychotherapy psychotherapy 

psychiatrists adolescent psychiatry behavioral health child adolescent psychiatrist pediatric psychiatry behavioral sciences general psychiatry anxiety disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder mental disorders behavioral disorders anxiety disorders eating disorder care medical professionals pediatric psychiatrist young adults

              child psychiatry adult psychiatry therapy alternative medicine

adolescent psychiatrist

Find out more about my journey...

care adolescent mood disorders care continuing medical education mental health care  adolescent conditions we treat forensic psychiatry clinical trial care child psychiatrists childrens hospital primary care adolescent psychiatrist adolescent mental disorders

My Background


Dr reddy psychiatrist
wright state university


America's Top Doctor

Approved Programs

psychology today
Good Therapy

Washington University of St. Louis - Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship

Washington University at St Louis

My Philosophy


I believe that the field of psychiatry has made an abrupt shift,  dominated by prescription medications.  Many years ago, psychiatrists were heavily involved in therapy, which they integrated in medication management.   I think there is a psychology and psychiatric process in each condition, which is why I think therapy is very important and enjoy practicing it. 

From a young age, I have always been fascinated with the mental health.  I had various members of my family, who suffered conditions such as Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, etc.

So, I was more attuned to see how these conditions impacted their life. I became a child psychiatrist, because I think it is important to be proactive and preventive by receiveing psychiatric services early on.






I would often talk to my adult patients about their childhood or teen years which seemed to be catalyst of their underlying condition.  Unfortunately, some points did not get treatment at that time, which strongly influenced the course of their life and negative events that could have been avoided.  


Based on my experiences in psychiatry, I prefer to collaborate with my patients on what treatment is the best fit.  I provide a lot of guidance and educate them during their road to recovery as there is a lot of misinformation about mental health treatments.  I have come to realize that my patients tend to be open and honest with me about all aspects of their treatment.  I think when you are suffering you want to be heard and understood, not talked down to or invalidated. 

Kids thinking
child psychiatry

outpatient adolescent care outpatient services adolescent behavioral health adolescent psychiatry child and adolescent psychiatry

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder


Is ADHD holding you back from reaching your potential?



Control Your Depression and Get Back on Track. 

Anxiety Mental Health


Take Control of Your Anxiety and Live Freely.

One Life Psychiatry - Holistic Telepsychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Alternatives
One Life Psychiatry

a boy in check shirt put his hands on ears


 Trying help a loved one with ASD 



Tired of Mood Fluctuations?

Post Trumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Release the turmoil of PTSD

We would greatly appreciate your feedback and the best way would be an honest review.  Its how we improve!

One Life Psychiatry Review
Child parent good mental health

Empowering individuals and families to foster their mental health and achieve a higher quality of life .

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions, I have the answer

Child Psychiatrist | Adult Psychiatrist
Psychotherapy | Alternative Medicine

Please take a moment to view our FAQs page.  If you have a question that isn’t addressed, feel free to contact us.  We would love to hear from you.

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